10 Christ Centered Easter Traditions

I remember as a kid hearing adults talk about how “commercialism is taking over Holidays” and “Religion is getting forgotten”. I always thought they were just jealous that they didn’t get to do the activities like the hunt for Easter eggs or open as many presents.
Now that I have a child of my own though, I completely understand where they were coming from.
My mom did a great job trying to keep Christ the main part of Easter as well as Christmas, but it’s pretty hard to do when it seems that there are so many other holiday traditions being advertised that you need to keep up with!
I wanted to share a few as well as list them for myself so that as my kids grow older I can do my best to keep the true meaning of Easter alive and strong.
10 Christ Centered Easter Traditions
1. Christ Centered Easter Egg Hunt: My mom did this for us as kids so I was excited to see that Jessica posted one on the blog a few years back. It’s a great way to have fun while remembering that there is more to Easter than an Easter Bunny.
2. Decorate with photos of Christ: If a photo says a thousand words, why not add a few extra photos of Christ to your home around easter to invite in the spirit.
There are so many beautiful paintings depicting the miraculous moment of the resurrection that can easily remind us to pause and think about the true meaning of Easter.
3. Resurrection Rolls: These are a really fun (and tasty) activity that kids of any age will enjoy! They are rolls that you place a marshmallow inside and while it cooks, the marshmallow disappears leaving an empty space symbolizing the empty tomb.
4. Saturday Eggs, Sunday Service: Hunting for Easter Eggs is a really fun tradition, but if you feel it is keeping you from centering Easter around Christ, try telling the Easter Bunny to come on Saturday, so that you can keep Sunday open for the worship of the Savior.
5. View Easter Related Videos: The LDS Church has released some remarkable Bible videos about the savior and has a whole playlist on YouTube devoted to Easter. You could watch them all at once or one a day leading up to Easter Sunday.
6. Egg Someone “He Is Risen” style: This is a great activity for kids and a great way to share the meaning behind Easter with others. Click here for the free printable from fabnfree.com!
7. Read about how the Easter egg tradition came to be: I always thought that eggs and the Easter bunny were just made up one day by companies trying to make money off the Holiday. It turns out that’s not true at all!
8. Create a Mini Easter Garden: I got this idea from the Happy Home Fairy, and besides the fact that this is just too dang cute, it also would be a great way to spend some time reflecting on the true meaning of Easter while feeling productive.
They say that sifting through dirt is very relaxing and therapeutic. I can’t think of a better way to slow your schedule down a little bit and find time to focus on Christ.
9. Christ Centered Basket: This is another awesome idea from the Happy Home Fairy! It is similar to what my mom does at Christmas. She adds a new Christ-centered Christmas book to a basket each year that she sets out at Christmas time, and I totally want to do this for Easter!
10. Actually read the scriptures: The link I’ve provided is to an article that is great for young kids (and even adults) that explains the verses, then provides a link to actually read it straight from the Bible.
I think it would be fun to layout on a porch swing or have a bonfire to enjoy the lovely spring weather while reading the Easter story.
For more ideas check out this fabulous article from the Ensign! It has some really great ideas and stories you can share with your family!
10 Christ Centered Easter Traditions
Can’t get enough? Check out these fabulous posts!
Thank you so much for your great ideas for a Christ centered Christmas. So important to remember the true meaning of the holiday and this is a great resource for helping with that.
Wonderful list! This is pinned. I'm glad I saw your link at Too Cute Tuesdays!
Easter has definitely come away from Christ for us. I needed more ways to teach them the true meaning. Thanks! Oh and I didn't know you were LDS! 🙂
Hey ladies,
I love that you keep Jesus in Easter and not focus on Easter bunny and commercial things. We love making resurrection cookies too. We seal the oven and the next day the tomb, inside the cookie is found empty. We also make homemade unleavened bread and do communion together. We are also on the same track with the Easter basket. We do a Family Basket full of Easter Videos. Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging others to focus on Jesus.
Many Blessings,
Diane Roark
These are such great ideas! I don't have any kids yet, but I'm always looking for ways to remind myself to keep Jesus the forefront during the holidays! And I had no idea about meaning behind Easter eggs – how cool!
Great tips!! So much is centered around a bunny and candy. Our Lord did the greatest thing for us to save us through faith in Him and nothing is "sweeter" than that! 🙂
Oh I love this so much. And the fact that Easter + Conference land on the same day. I am getting so excited for both!
These are such wonderful ideas, the pictures took jogged my memory of my days when I taught Sunday school. They are beautiful!!! The eggs are such a great idea to use.
So glad that you linked to share on The Oh My Heartsie Girl WW this week!!
We appreciate you shared your blog with us!!
Have a great week, Karren~Host
Great ideas, ladies! I especially love resurrection rolls and the idea to "egg someone". What a great list!
What lovely ways for children to appreciate that Christ is the reason for celebrating Resurrection Sunday! Linked up with you at Thurs. Favorite Things — hope you'll stop by Saved by Grace for a visit!
God bless,
These are fabulous ideas to use instead of all the commercial activities. Thank you so much! Pinning and sharing!
Deborah from Mommy Crusader
Keeping Christ centered for these holidays is what we did with our children, too. I love all of your ideas ~ excellent! It's nice meeting you through Friendship Friday!
beautiful xoxoxoxo
These are some awesome ways to keep Christ in Easter. Thanks for sharing. #HomeMattersParty
I love the idea of 'egging' someone. We will definitely be doing this for FHE tonight!
This wonderful post is being featured on my blog today as part of "Tuesdays with a Twist" blog hop: http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/2015/03/time-to-link-up-tuesdays-with-twist-104.html
Love this article. Thanks for the great ideas! And thanks for linking up at On Display Thursday!