Delicious Churro Popcorn Recipe

Delicious Churro Popcorn Recipe

Delicious Churro Popcorn Recipe! Tonight, we will be going to our very first demolition derby, and we are pretty excited!  We live up the hill from the County Fairgrounds and every year we hear the excitement from the crowd but because the tickets sell out so fast, we have never had the chance to go.

This morning I have been making Churro popcorn so we can have a tasty treat for tonight.

Delicious Churro Popcorn Recipe


We have a love affair going on with churro’s and this is a perfect combination between the churro and popcorn! This is so quick and easy to make that you will be sharing it with your family and friends!


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Looking For More Popcorn Ideas? Check Out: Gourmet Popcorn!








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