Yummy Dessert Nachos

Dessert Nachos

Yummy Gooey Dessert Nachos! The past couple of Saturdays, we have had the pleasure of having some of our kids come over and watch college football with us! That makes this momma very happy!! Football and good food just seem to go together and it is so fun having everyone help in the preparation.

Last Saturday, I decided that we needed something sweet on our menu. Let me introduce to you, yummy gooey dessert nachos


Dessert Nachos


You can throw this together in minutes and have everyone loving you forever for making this yummy gooey goodness!










Dessert Nachos











6 thoughts on “Yummy Dessert Nachos”

  1. Oh, my word. These look astonishingly delicious. What fun they would be to share! And I love that they’re made from things I usually keep on hand in my pantry. I’ve pinned this for future reference.

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!

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