Yummy Angel Food Cake

Angel Food Cake

This homemade angel food cake is light, airy, and tastes like a slice of summer. It’s as soft as a cloud and bursting with flavor, and is much easier to make than you might think! 


angel food cake


You would think that all my kids would know how to cook since we have a blog that has so many recipes. Lisa doesn’t! My 16-year-old decided to take food in school and didn’t love it.


Every time they were absent from class, they would have to cook something at home to make up their absence. A month ago it was my mother in laws birthday and it was her turn to choose the menu.


Lisa had to make something to make up for her foods class. It was perfect! Lisa could bake her grandma an Angel Food Cake and grandma had her birthday dinner.


We were all a little nervous about how the Angel Food Cake would turn out! It was fabulous!


We didn’t have the right pan so we used a bundt pan. It did stick a little but I’m sure it wouldn’t in the proper pan.


We also love Danish Dessert on our Angel Food cake and it wasn’t to be found any stores in a 20-mile radius from our home, so we made our own and it was fabulous!












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