Cassie’s Friday Favorites

Cassie’s Friday Favorites 73

Cassie’s Friday Favorites


It’s that time of the week once again, Cassie’s Friday Favorites are all the things we love, we need, and what we can’t live without!


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Cassie’s Friday Favorites


Etsy: Home, Style & Gifts - Apps on Google Play



Favorite #1 – Etsy  – For all the holiday things. I love going on Etsy to get shirts and birthday stuff. I got all my kids Easter baskets, Halloween bags, birthday shirts, and Valentines day stuff. It’s fun to find things that I love and just have it shipped to the house!





Favorite #2 – Potty Training Undies – We have been very blessed to have a sitter who helps to potty train all our kids. We couldn’t do it without her. She always has us buy these padded undies, there are some really cute options on Amazon. It works to have them wear the underwear because now at night when we put a diaper on Ellie, she rips it off.


Cassie’s Friday Favorites

Subway's Newest Footlongs Are Not Sandwiches


Favorite #3 – Subway – I know you’re not supposed to eat deli meat while pregnant but I love Subway. I eat it a lot, I love to use their rewards app and earn points. Subway is one things that keeps me from getting heartburn at night. It’s also a healthy option for me. 




Favorite #4 – Spring Time! –  It’s almost Spring, I can. not wait. Spring means softball and baseball, I am excited to watch a lot of ball while on maternity leave. I like the rain, way more than I like the snow. 

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