Cassie’s Friday Favorites

Cassie’s Friday Favorites


It’s that time of the week once again! Cassie’s Friday Favorites are the things we love, we need and what we can’t live without.

Cassie's Friday Favorites #friday #fridayfavorites #productreviews



Favorite #1 – Dramamine – You need this on your road trip if your kids are carsick like mine. They don’t mind the flavor and then actually ask for more and I haven’t noticed them acting tired like the stuff I used to take. 

Umbro Junior Soccer Slip-in Shin Guards, Soccer Protection Gear, Soccer Sleeve, Medium Size, Yellow, Black


Favorite #2 – Umbro Kids Shin Guards –  We got these at Walmart for Sawyer, because we were trying to get him excited for soccer. Also, the ankle guard shin guards have made it hard to get his cleats on, these have made a huge difference.

Nike: Shoes, Apparel & Stories - Apps on Google Play


Favorite #3 – Nike app – I love the Nike app, I have found some good deals on there and also, it’s nice to be able to see a variety of clothing options that you don’t necessarily see at the stores. 



Island Park, Idaho - Island Park Idaho - Island Park Idaho


Favorite #4 – Island Park, Idaho – We just got back from our vacation in Island Park and there were so many things to do. It was an absolutely gorgeous place!

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