Airplane Nursery

The perfect idea for a baby boy is an Airplane Nursery!


lou lou girls Airplane Nursery


When Grey was born we lived in a little rental and there wasn’t a good room for a nursery and we knew we were going to move soon so we didn’t decorate a nursery for him. I was super sad about it, but now he has his construction room, which I will show you later this week. Now that we have our own house there is space for both boys to have their own room. 




First, we painted an accent wall in Sawyer’s room, it was a NY Navy blue. I didn’t realize how many different Navy blue color swatches there are in the world. It’s unreal. It made the room pop! Then we got the white vinyl clouds off for $25. 




Next, I found the airplane propeller on Sporty’s Wright Bros website. The propeller was only $25 as well, which was an awesome price! It’s really cute!



Then I bought a download of pictures from Etsy of the airplanes for $12 and it gave me 18 different planes. Next, I went and printed them on canvas 16×20 at We also got the dresser at Walmart and the glider on Amazon.


Last, we just need to get his name put up. We would have done that earlier but we didn’t decide on a name until we were driving to the hospital. 


need more inspiration? 


Homemade Tractor Bed




Boy Paper Airplane Nursery Ideas




DIY Upholstered Headboard Tutorial





6 thoughts on “Airplane Nursery”

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  2. The world of aviation never ceases to amaze me, from the elegant design of commercial aircraft to the advanced technology used in military aviation. It’s amazing how airplanes have evolved over time, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in flight. Speaking of innovation, the achievements in the field of night vision technology in military aviation are particularly impressive, about which you can learn more from the article The history and future of night vision in military aviation highlights the relentless pursuit of excellence and safety, reflecting the commitment to precision and efficiency seen in the design and operation of all types of aircraft. Whether it’s soaring through the skies or carrying out secret missions under the cover of darkness, aviation demonstrates humanity’s ingenuity and desire for progress.

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