Show Your Love Sign

Show Your Love Sign!


Show Your Love Sign

Show Your Love Sign

I love the signs that light up for my front porch and when Jessica made one for Christmas, it motivated me to try. When you look around for one at the stores, I’m always amazed how much they cost!  Well, never fear, I made this sign with things I had around the house. CHEAP!

First of all, I went over to Home Depot to get a piece of wood because all my wood is under frozen snow and I just didn’t have the heart to dig around. They had a pile of scraps and this one was the perfect size, and when we asked how much it would cost, they told us that we could have it for “FREE”! Yes, FREE!

My cute hubby helped me measure around the board for the holes for the lights and we used his drill to make the holes. I used my Christmas lights for the sign. Simply, unscrew the light from the base and push the base into the hole and then attach the light again. I put a dab of hot glue to each light to firmly attach the bulb.


valentine sign1


I couldn’t find a big enough heart, so I folded the paper in half and made a heart the old fashion way! When making a sign like this one, I always go to Shanty 2 Chic for the free printable lettering. I have looked in stores for a template for lettering and I haven’t found anywhere that has lettering this big.

Cut out the letters and then tape them to the board. I used the sponge brush and have found if you keep your brush upright and dab up and down, you won’t get paint under the paper stencil.



For the finishing touch, I hot glued ribbon around the edges! I’m in love with my sign!  At night, you can only see the heart and the edges of the board and then in the morning it looks like a totally different sign, LOVE it! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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15 thoughts on “Show Your Love Sign”

  1. That sign is amazing!! I have been seeing things like this everywhere and I keep thinking, I can totally make one but then I think it's probably so time consuming. You have inspired me to try and make my own! Have a great weekend!

  2. My cute hubby helped me measure around the board for the holes for the lights and we used his drill to make the holes. I used my Christmas lights for the sign. Simply, unscrew the light from the base and push the base into the hole and then attach the light again. I put a dab of hot glue to each light to firmly attach the bulb.

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