Easy Caramel Bloomin’ Apple

Caramel Bloomin’ Apple

Caramel Bloomin’ Apple! Now that it’s Fall, all I can think about is delicious Fall desserts! You know what I mean. Recipes that have apples, pumpkin, cinnamon, and other hearty spices.

Of course, you can eat them any time of year but they scream Fall! The Caramel Bloomin’ Apple recipe fits in this category. You can get your sweet fix in a matter of minutes!


Caramel Bloomin' Apple


There are nights that I just want a little dessert but I don’t want to put a lot of effort into baking. This would be so fun to do with the family. Bonus! You will be sneaking some fruit into their diets!







Caramel Bloomin' Apple







4 thoughts on “Easy Caramel Bloomin’ Apple”

  1. Oh YES!! Your Caramel Bloomin Apple will sure be a big hit here at the cottage. I can’t wait to make this!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

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