I know we are over a month away from Easter but I love to get all my Easter Basket Ideas ready to go before hand so that it’s less stress.
Easter is a busy time of year for us because most of our kids birthday’s are around this time of year. It’s been nice to have spring kids because then I have been able to just have a long summer with the babies and then go back to school/daycare when they are a little older. I took Grey to daycare at 6 weeks and it was the saddest thing ever. Now though the kids were about 4 or 5 months old before starting daycare and I already miss the snuggles.
Anyways, have 4 kids 7 and under it’s hard to plan for holidays. We have so many toys and get so much candy for all the holidays from the grandmas and all the things. It’s hard to know what to get the kids but I still want to make it fun and special because my mom was always great at making everything super special. Here are my favorite things to get the kids and a few that I might try this year.
- Swim suits – Every year they destroy their suits or grow out of them and so we need new ones usually. With how fast Harper is growing she may fit in a 2T this year and I am beside myself. We bought her pajamas last night and they were 18 month and her cute little belly was poking out of them already. New suits are a must. For the girls, I really love Caden Lane swimsuits they are cute and long sleeve and they have a zipper in the back which makes it easier to take on and off, but they also have the bottom snaps for changing diapers. Last year I got the boys Nike ones and they loved them. I found them on the Nike app when they were having a sale but also Nordstrom Rack online has a lot of cute stuff.
- Coloring Books or activity books – These are obviously a great option. They are something that occupies my kids for hours. They love to coloring and make crafts, we just really need to watch Ellie closely with the scissors (RIP 4 shirts and 2 dolls). I recommend this every time.
- Puzzles – My kids love puzzles, they leave all the pieces out and Harper tries to eat them but they are always a huge hit at our house. These large foam puzzles are nice because Harper can’t ruin them.
- Writing Tablets are always a huge hit at our house. The kids fight over them frequently but they love to draw on them.
- Foam Airplane Gliders are fun. You can buy the ones you throw or the ones you can shoot with a launcher.
- Kites – We live in a very windy area, I’m shocked we don’t see more kites. This is a great way to get the kids out and running around.
- Sidewalk Chalk for Foam spray. Sidewalk paint as well are super fun!
- Legos have always been a hit with our kids.
- Bath bombs for the girlies.
- Water toys – I know it’s snowy where we are this week, but I can not wait for summer!
- Sports equipment as well. Baseball season is coming up and I’m feeling like Ellie might need a glove! Obviously it will have to be pink.
- Bath Toys are also, always a win with our kids.
I hope some of these work for you! If you have more ideas please share them with us. We love getting all the ideas. Obviously, these are more centered around little kids because that is what I currently have, but hopefully it still helps you!