Here are some Easy Valentine’s Gift Ideas and a great way to show your love without doing too much!
I remember every year my mom would give us a small gift before school on Valentine’s day and it was so fun! Here is what I’m doing for my kids and husband. They are quick and easy and require very little thought or effort.
I try to give them a red or pink shirt. This year I found them on Nordstrom rack, the boys got red Nike hoodies. Right now they were on sale for less than $15 and a good deal. The girls got pink Nike outfits for the same price.
Then I like to get them a treat. I bought Sour Patch hearts on Amazon for pretty cheap but if you look online there are a lot of options. You can personalize M&M’s for a fun personal treat. You can personalize candy bars and what not. I feel like we spent maybe a lot on Christmas so we are going a little cheaper. I bought the Sour Patch hearts in bulk, we’re going to give them to the cousins too. They were cheaper this way.
You can give them books that talk about love. There are a bunch of great options on amazon as well. I found a bunch of awesome ones. We just did a dejunk of our bookshelf and they are still packed with books so we decided to coloring books instead because my kids love to color. I found a bunch that had Valentine’s on them.
You could do toys, but we feel like we already have too many toys so I chose not too! I decided to get some heart cookie cutters so we can do heart grilled cheeses or hamburgers for dinner that night. Also, we could make some heart cookies to take to people we love.
Matthew I’m going to get him some shirts and snacks. We’ve been trying to be more healthy so I was looking at getting him some Chomps and protein shakes. Also, getting him some new hats. Then, obviously some candy to snack on when he’s not with me.