Easy Oven Baked Eggs

Oven Baked Eggs

This is the perfect recipe when you have a lot of people to cook for, and not a lot of stove space. You can oven baked eggs all at once on one pan!

oven baked eggs





Can you imagine doing this for Sunday Brunch? The eggs taste great and it’s an easy way to cook so many eggs!










9 thoughts on “Easy Oven Baked Eggs”

  1. What a great way to prepare for lots of guests!
    Thank you for sharing on Oh my Heartsie Girls WW this week!
    Hope you all have a great week!

  2. Love this recipe! It’s perfect for Easter brunch – or anytime for that matter. Scheduled to pin and tweet. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul Link Party!

  3. Congratulations!
    Your awesome post is featured on Full Plate Thursday today! Thanks so much for sharing with us and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Miz Helen

  4. Hi every time I bake eggs in the oven – over easy or similar, the whites get very chewy. Do you know what I could do to prevent this?

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